You’ll be surprised and delighted by new discoveries every time you look at The Amazing Bible World History Timeline. Timeline Reveals Hidden Facts From The Bible! Christ’s birth divides the circle in half as time marches on and ends on the timeline with our decade. It works like a clock ticking down until midnight and the return of the Bridegroom (Christ.) Adam is at the top. How does all this information fit on a 37″ x 45″ poster – compared to the 15 or 20 feet of a straight timeline? The time line is in a compact circular format. All the important historical events of the main religions and world cultures are indexed and outlined in one simple to understand format. You have over a thousand references at your fingertips. I am thrilled to be able to share “The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History”. Remember people lived a lot longer back then. Your students will be amazed when they see how many of the people in the Bible where actually alive at the same time. Easy to read and follow the “Amazing Bible Timeline with World History” will make an incredible addition to your classroom or Sunday school.

I find it wonderful that all of this information can fit into that compact of an area. The timeline is condensed down into a 37″ x 45″ poster. I like how the timeline shows world history alongside Biblical history for a fascinating journey through time. There are so many exciting historical events actually happened during the time of the Bible. The “Amazing Bible Timeline with World History” actually shows you what was going on in other parts of the world at the same time Biblical events were happening. I was so excited to get to review “Amazing Bible Timeline with World History”. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History